About Us
Sky Alert Foundation
Assisting in Finding Missing Persons

( The ) SKY ALERT FOUNDATION is a start-up Nonprofit Organization which assists in FINDING MISSING PERSONS. We are aiming to build an app or application with which we will deploy drones via zip code system to assist in searches.
Sky Alert Foundation assists families who do not know what do do in the initial devastation that a loved one disappears or goes missing.
There are several reasons people become “ Missing Persons”… situations include : Runaways, abductions( both child as well as adult), people may be lured into cults or other religious groups, kidnappings, human trafficking, sex trafficking, modern day slavery situations, and much more… some may have behavioral problems or suffer from mental illness… there are wanderers, schizophrenics, and also elderly who suffer from Alzheimer’s or other diseases…
The Sky Alert Foundation creates flyers for Missing Person cases, and we propagate these flyers via social media platforms such as FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, TIKTOK, LINKEDIN, …
We are a legal 501(C)3, and we work as volunteers , but we accept donations from the community and/ or corporate sponsors. We are PROUD to branch out in many different directions or areas , growing and expanding to assist with the missing.
The SKY ALERT FOUNDATION does not discriminate by race, color, gender, religion, or age… In fact this nonprofit organization was started because Founder & President, Olivia Tosic’s son SKYLAR PETERSON TOSIC became an adult MISSING PERSON August 30, 2015… law enforcement could only take a police report & not do much as Skylar was 18 years of age (an adult) at the time of his disappearance… Thus having to take the ball in her own court, so-to-speak, Ms.Tosic started THE SKY ALERT FOUNDATION to help where maybe law enforcement could or would not!